2021/05/30 /  By hqt /  Tags:

5 Practical Tip to Wear Latex Examination Gloves: Simple Guide

Why medical professionals prefer gloves in the latest pandemic of COVID-19?

latex examination gloves

COVID-19 has determined that the use of latex examination gloves becomes a matter of interest for the entire population. The Pharmacy, due to its proximity and training of its professionals, is the ideal establishment from which to offer quality information on its correct use.

Why using latex examination gloves?

Generally, latex examination gloves have become popular in medical fields. These days, these gloves are easily available. To ensure personal safety, I would recommend using them on regular basis. There are different types of gloves; you can choose them according to your needs. Furthermore, there are some laws in various industries that recommend using personal protecting equipment.

You need to follow such regulations, and these gloves are best for personal protection in variety of activities.

Currently, due to the situation caused by the new coronavirus, the use of gloves has transcended the exclusively work environment to be an issue that affects the entire population and that generates numerous doubts and queries in pharmacies every day.

 What gloves should I choose?

Before defining the different types of latex examination gloves, and establishing which criteria should help in their choice, it is important to bear in mind that gloves represent a physical barrier against direct hand contact with germs:

  1. a)Glove defects resulting from the manufacturing process.
  2. b) Rupture of the latex gloves during use.
  3. c)Cuts or perforations resulting from the use of instruments.

What are sanitary latex examination gloves?

It is a medical device whose specific medical purpose is to prevent the appearance of a disease in the patient due to the transmission of biological agents through contact with the health professional's hands.

Finally, to carry out a good selection of gloves, it is necessary to choose those that have an appropriate size for the dimensions of our hands, in order to perform the different tasks comfortably and safely.

  How should I put on the latex examination gloves?

The following steps must be taken to put on latex examination gloves safely:

Removal of personal items:

Remove personal items (bracelets, rings, etc.)

Making hand hygiene:

Carry out proper hand hygiene before putting on gloves.

Avoid touching from the outside:

Put them on keeping in mind that the surface of the glove can become contaminated. Avoid touching them on the outside.

 Never touch your face:

Do not touch your face while wearing it.

How should I remove the latex examination gloves?

The following photos show how the gloves should be removed safely:

  • Pinch one of the gloves from the outside.
  • Remove the gloves without touching the outside.
  • Take the removed glove in the other hand.

Which models of latex examination gloves impressed me a lot?

How many gloves have passed through my hands?  But only two models have managed to leave a mythical memory in me. Not only because of their quality, which too, but because of the moment, I used them or because of the goalkeepers who used them.

Two models of latex examination gloves that marked me, of which I had several pairs and that I have managed to have years later.

For the youngest, these gloves will sound like football prehistory, but they are not so much for a 28-year-old goalkeeper who misses that time when the gloves had personality, charisma and excellent performance.

After this presentation, you will ask yourself, what are these gloves?

Well, I'm going to tell you what they are and why they have become legendary for me:

Importance of hand hygiene and use of GLOVES for medical purposes

  • The use of glovesdoes not exclude the need to clean your hands.
  • Hand hygiene should be practiced whenever appropriate, regardless of the indications regarding the use of latex examination
  • Remove gloves for hand hygiene when wearing gloves and in the appropriate situation.
  • Take off your gloves after every activity and clean your hands - gloves can carry germs.
  • Wear gloves only when indicated in "standard precautions and contact cases”. Failure to do so could pose a significant risk of spreading germs.

The latex examination gloves pyramid:

The glove pyramid will help you to decide when you should wear
gloves. Gloves should be worn whenever the usual precautions warrant and in cases of contact.

The pyramid contains several clinical examples in which the use of gloves is not indicated, and others in which the use of sterile or examination gloves is indicated.

 The importance of using sterile gloves:

  • Surgical procedures.
  • Vaginal delivery
  • Invasive radiological procedures;
  • Vascular access and vascular procedures (central tubes).
  • Preparation of total parental nutrition and chemotherapeutic agents.

What are the 5 Reasons to Wear Powder-Free Gloves?

Gloves e.g., latex examination gloves are an essential product in every dental clinic, since they act as a mechanical barrier against the possible transmission of cross infections and their consequent health risk.

latex examination gloves 2021

However, when choosing our gloves, we may have various doubts. Should I buy gloves with or without powder? Although powdered gloves have a lubricating effect, powder-free gloves are a great alternative as they undergo an intensive washing process and are coated with synthetic polymers to give them the same characteristics as powdered gloves.

Discover below the reasons to start using powder-free latex examination gloves

  1. Dust can cause allergies.

Powdered gloves increase the risk of latex allergen sensitization and allergic reactions. To completely eliminate this risk, switch to powder-free synthetic gloves.

  1. Dust can cause postoperative complications, delayed wound healing, and even additional surgeries in patients.

Final Words

Latex examination gloves dust reduces the inoculum of bacteria required to produce abscesses, thereby increasing the risk of postoperative wound infection. In addition, the powder delays wound healing and disrupt the normal repair process, while at the same time increasing the inflammatory response of wounds.

Using powder-free gloves reduces the costs derived from this type of complications.

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