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How to disinfect examination gloves properly? Best Guide

Disinfect examination gloves: is it possible?

In the healthcare sector, numerous patients are treated in a short period of time, which is why the risk of infection in a hospital, doctor's office or nursing home is of course high. Both the staff and the doctors therefore have to disinfect their hands regularly and change their examination gloves again and again.

This hygiene will ensure that there is a high level of self-protection and patient protection.

examination gloves

However, if disposable gloves are always common, this has an impact on costs. The question arises as to whether the costs can perhaps be reduced by disinfecting the gloves. It would be enough if, for example, the gloves could only be changed after every second patient. This sounds plausible in theory, but how is it in practice?

When is it allowed to disinfect examination gloves?

There are strict rules and precise definitions as to when it is allowed to disinfect the examination gloves. The following rules apply to care facilities and medical facilities:

Successive blood draws: There is usually no high risk of contamination during this activity. It is therefore allowed to disinfect the disposable gloves afterwards instead of changing them.

Routine activities: It is also permissible if the routine activities carry out on the same patient. A change is only important if an unclean activity carry out.

What must be considered when disinfecting examination gloves?

Of course, there are also very important regulations in this regard that must come into account when the examination gloves are disinfected.

Hygiene planning

Every company in this industry has a hygiene plan, which also includes regulations regarding glove disinfection. In addition, the urgency is emphasized again. Raising awareness in this regard is always important. It will also be noted that gloves with perforations must not disinfect.

EU standard 374

The European standard 374 assumes that the disposable glove is resistant to chemicals. If the glove meets this standard, then it is only suitable for disinfection. The standard is checked by a 30-minute test procedure, whereby at least one alcohol is added to the material. The breakthrough time must not be undercut.

Consider manufacturer information

The manufacturer's information must always be taken into account, because it also states whether the examination gloves may be disinfected at all. If this is ruled out, it is not advisable to disinfect with this product, but to change it after each patient.

Contamination must be ruled out

If there is contamination with, for example, excreta, secretions, blood or the like, the gloves must no longer be disinfected, but must be disposed of immediately.

Choose a suitable disinfectant

For personal and patient protection, it must be ensured that the selected disinfectant can kill any infectious agents that may be present. A suitable disinfectant should therefore always   be selected.

Don't wear examination gloves for too long

In medical facilities or in nursing homes, disposable gloves should never be worn for more than 30 minutes and should not be disinfected more than five times. The examination gloves must then be changed immediately. If you are working in an intensive care unit, the Robert Koch Institute even recommends a change after 15 minutes.

Are there special criteria for protective gloves?

Yes, there are various criteria for protective gloves that must be strictly fix to. Especially, when it comes to dealing with usable solutions. The following criteria we must meet:


Recommended as personal protective equipment (according to category 1 and category 2)

Standard DIN EN 374 (against chemicals and microorganisms)

If the gloves are worn for a long period of time, a protective skin cream should is good to apply. In the case of liquid-tight protective examination gloves, the skin underneath will become dry. The use of a cream should not neglect.

Nitrile gloves or latex gloves

Protective gloves made of nitrile are usually much more resistant than latex gloves, especially to alcoholic disinfectants with refitting. The latex material is usually changed by fats. We recommend that our customers obtain insurance from the manufacturer about the type of disinfectant that can be common for the nitrile gloves or latex gloves.

Are these gloves also suitable for cleaning work?

If a glove is important to carry out the cleaning work, with which one can continue to feel, then protective gloves are also suitable. Since examination gloves wear longer during this activity, we pay attention to the protective skin cream, as already mentioned.

examination gloves 2021

However, there are also special cleaning gloves that are much thicker, but can provide better protection against sharp edges, chemical substances and the like. These models are therefore better, especially when there is time pressure. In principle, however, medical protective gloves can also be worn.

Why gloves are necessary for surgical team?

It is important to make sure your surgical team protects from pathogens in the blood and other body fluids that are toxic, passable from person to person and cause the spread of disease. As a surgeon, you want to make sure that you and your team is safe that is one of the personal protective examination gloves in the theater.

How we can choose examination gloves?

By choosing the right surgical glove; there are several things to consider including borderline safety, clinical effectiveness and sometimes costs. Yes, at the end of the day, you want to make sure that you get the value of your purchase. This piece of nitrile gloves is a popular demand.

The glove, which is impressive for surgical and other medical procedures, is one of the products to consider when purchasing your next surgical glove.

It offers better elasticity than other products; Better resistance to perforation and abrasion. Fits comfortably in use; Sensitive to touch Infusing a micro-rough surface ensures that the examination gloves provide the right grip and enable a secure hand.

Conclusion Examination Gloves

Examination gloves have a smooth surface that offers a natural sense of touch. This glove has an ergonomic design that reduces common hand fatigue during operation. The dust-free function limits the risk of a latex allergy.

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